Some folks head to town to eat out and meet with friends. Others spend a relaxing time at home with family, a bowl of popcorn, and a good book.
Not us. We’re out trucking.
On the bright side, it’s really quite a fine night for strolling back and forth from grain elevator to feedlot. “Cows still need to eat on weekends and holidays.”
The take-out carne asada tacos from our hometown Mexican joint were phenomenally tasty.
It’s been a fairly long week. Longer than the average. Baby dear came down with her first sickness. Ross and I are still in the process of getting over the bug ourselves.
I’m feeling a bit bleary-eyed from numerous nights in the recliner holding Ravielle in a upright position so she could breathe.
Steamy showers and Baby Nose Frida have been faithful and true. Highly recommend.
Ross had the brilliant idea today to stick the easy chair under one end of her crib to get a good slant on it.
Follow him for more dad hacks. (Most of them are not CDC or FDA approved lol.)
I will give him credit for having the space in his brain to come up with such light bulb ideas tho. The poor man has work running out of his ears. Our driver, Hose-A didn’t work out so hot. We are in search of Hose-B.
Nowadays working is not the popular choice, it seems. Tis a shame.
We were very fortunate to have a cousin come help us out for a few weeks. Appreciated beyond words!
Every once in awhile I chew on the thought that perhaps I should pursue getting my CDL.
Then I watch Ross back a 53-foot trailer into a narrow bay from a very narrow road and I have second thots. And third and fourth ones. I have enough stress backing up the lawnmower.
Goodbye for now.. and enjoy your Saturday night!