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There are dads, and there are legendary dads.

The legendary ones work all day (and sometimes all night to make ends meet), yet when they get home, they still make their rounds to each child’s bed, tucking the covers snugly around so no one gets chilly.

They are calm with crying babies. Steady when mama’s nerves are shot.

The legendary dads are ones who take hours off work just to go pick up a little girl’s dream playhouse.

They teach their children to be careful with toys, to always be kind, and how to drive.

They can fix anything that is broken. They can put together everything without even reading the instructions.

The legendary dads read Bible stories.

They love their children and don’t mind showing it.

The legendary dads will never be forgotten.. could never be replaced!

Happy Father’s Day, Ross.

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2 Kommentare

17. Juni

Yes. There are dads and then there are legendary dads. We’re so lucky to have the legendary ones eh!

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17. Juni
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You bet ;)

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